
With “At your side”, its new corporate project, Clariane confirms its strategic shift from old age to fragility. Its strategic priorities are based on the need to respond effectively to the key challenges facing our society.

Local healthcare, the management of vulnerability and chronic illnesses, and support for the elderly and dependent individuals are major and lasting challenges for our European societies.

A European pioneer in care and support for vulnerable people for over 20 years, Clariane contributes to meeting these challenges through its complementary areas of expertise, its commitment, and the strong values of the Group shared by its community of 60,000 employees. 

In 2016, Clariane embarked on a process to profoundly transform:

  • its activities: the Group is now pursuing its strategy to diversify and specialise its activities focusing on care homes, healthcare facilities and services, and alternative living solutions;
  • its impact: its pioneering involvement in ESG and its status as a purpose-led company have confirmed its social and environmental commitment;
  • its human resources: Clariane “takes care of those who take care of others” and deploys an innovative human resources policy in terms of employment, training and skills development;
  • the approach to care: thanks to “Positive Care”, an individualised therapeutic approach deployed throughout its network, a highly ambitious ISO 9001 quality certification, and a cross-cutting approach to innovation.

Key figures

  • According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), chronic diseases cause 41 million deaths each year, or 74% of all deaths worldwide, of which 17 million concern people under 70.
  • On a global scale, the prevalence of the main chronic diseases is expected to increase by more than 15% by 2030, driven in particular by the greying of the population.
  • The number of chronically ill people is particularly high in Europe, especially among elderly people: 80% of people aged 65 and over have at least one chronic disease, and 40% have at least two.
  • The population aged 85 and over will continue to expand until 2050. The OECD expects the proportion of people aged 80 and over to double during the same period from 5% to 10% of the total population.

Developing synergies between our three pillars of activity

As the number of vulnerable people in Europe increases, so does the need to better accommodate them. To respond to everyone’s desire to take care of themselves throughout their lives, and then to age at home or somewhere they “feel at home”, Clariane is developing alternative models and expanding its range of services.

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Adopting the status of a purpose-led company

On 15 June 2023, Clariane became a société à mission (purpose-driven company) (Art. 176 of the Pacte Act of May 2019 in France) by vote of the General Meeting of shareholders.

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Putting people at the heart of the strategy

“Taking care of those who take care of others” is the driving force behind Clariane’s human resources policy, which places care and the patient at the heart of its priorities.

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Rolling out a new corporate project: “At your side”

In continuity with the “In caring hands” corporate project conducted since 2019, and after consulting with its stakeholders, Clariane has chosen to deploy a new ambitious corporate project called “At your side”, from 2023 to 2026.

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Improving care, healthcare, and hospitality

Improving care, healthcare and hospitality through our Positive Care approach, the ISO 9001 quality process and a proactive policy of innovation in healthcare and technology.

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