
Clariane actively contributes to the search for innovative solutions with an objective, a more inclusive society, through its three foundations: the Clariane Foundation“Enjoy caring” in France, founded in 2017, the Korian Foundation for Care and Aging with Dignity, founded in 2021, and the FITA Foundation, dedicated to mental health, founded in 2002 by ITA Salud Mental.
Clariane Foundation “Enjoy caring”

The Clariane Foundation is a corporate foundation, a non-profit organization of general interest, dedicated to the theme of “Enjoy caring” since 2023. It is dedicated to carers and the care professions by taking action in three key areas: the health and well-being of caregivers, attractiveness and recognition of care professions, the sense of care.
To this end, the Clariane Foundation conducts studies and research, organises events and develops prevention and communication initiatives in partnership with other organisations.
The Clariane Foundation “Enjoy caring” is committed to highlighting the value of carers and improving the perception of care professions.

Korian Stiftung für Pflege und würdevolles Altern in Germany

Working with the Korian Foundation for Care and Aging with Dignity (Korian Stiftung für Pflege und würdevolles Altern in Germany), Korian Germany will extend its social commitment and ensure high-quality care and aging with dignity.
The aim of the Foundation is to support innovative projects and initiatives in the field of care for the elderly and in the health care sector in general. This includes the promotion of research in the fields of nursing, geriatrics and medicine as well as the training and further education of caring staff. Furthermore, vulnerable people are to be supported in having access to adequate care and nursing.
The Foundation’s work will primarily focus on nursing staff. Improving their working conditions and the overall image of the care sector are central issues of the Foundation.
In addition to carers, the Korian Foundation also supports family members of people in need of care. Working in the home’s advisory boards, the family members focus on the interests of their relatives and are therefore an important factor in the wellbeing of the residents and for ensuring high-quality care. Moreover, families who themselves provide care at home or make use of outpatient care services are also supported by the Foundation.
Good working conditions for carers are an essential prerequiste for guaranteeing a good life for the elderly.

FITA Fundación

The FITA Foundation (FITA Fundación) is a non-profit organization in Spain whose main mission is to contribute to the prevention, awareness and understanding of mental health issues by promoting the emotional well-being.
The Foundation was created with the aim of contributing to the prevention, awareness and improvement of the health and well-being of people who suffer from problems related to mental health and their families.
- It develops social projects.
- It makes possible the social inclusion and the promotion of the autonomy of people suffering from mental health problems.
- It promotes the training of professionals and families, caring for the caregiver.
- It improves the early detection and raise awareness of the warning signs from the main mental health problems at the different stages of life.
- It carries out prevention and awareness-raising actions.
- It raises awareness of mental illness’ reality, helping to reduce the stigma associated with it.
- It promotes and collaborates on Research Projects
- It facilitates specialized treatment access to people in social vulnerability and in social exclusion risk situation.
Our mission is to care for the mental health and emotional well-being of people in the different stages of life and to support their families.