Overview of the initiatives undertaken by the Clariane community to mark World Alzheimer’s Day 2023

Clariane Group

Clariane provides day-to-day care for many patients and residents with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders. To mark World Alzheimer’s Day on 21 September 2023, the Group has taken action with a range of initiatives to help residents, their families and our teams. Find out about all the projects undertaken by our community in Europe to provide information and raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease.


Throughout the week of 18 to 24 September 2023, Korian France harnessed its expertise to achieve a single objective: “Talking about it together to help us understand better”.

This awareness week consisted of open days, events to encourage sharing and communication, and conferences for all those affected by this neurodegenerative disease: families, carers, healthcare professionals, Alzheimer’s associations, etc.

The facilities put the spotlight on the relationship between carer and cared-for, with:

  • a memory cabinet, including the creation of a joint piece of work where each resident exhibited memories of youth and their “life memory”;
  • puzzle workshops for residents and their relatives, to maintain and stimulate cognitive abilities and spend quality time together.

The Group’s catering teams also shared with the facilities an original recipe for madeleine with a chocolate shell. The facilities were invited to organize culinary workshops so that residents could take part in making the madeleines. A real treat for the taste buds!

Finally, at Clariane France’s headquarters, the support teams were shown the drawings produced by the children as part of the 2022-2023 Chronos Alzheimer Prize. 48 care homes had participated in this award.

Through shared readings, children and the elderly discussed the disease, thanks to albums that gently approach the subject. These moments of sharing help to change the way people look at Alzheimer’s disease and foster intergenerational relationships.


World Alzheimer’s Day was an opportunity to learn more about Korian Germany’s specialist approach to care and support for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Korian Germany homes opened their doors under the theme “Ist heute Dienstag oder September?” (“Is it Tuesday or September today?”).

In the Augustastraße and Zwei Linden Giebelstadt homes, teams were busy with a “Bademantel Challenge” (“Bathrobe Challenge”). This was a humorous initiative with a very specific objective: to raise awareness, tolerance and understanding for people with Alzheimer’s, because memory loss can affect us all.

In some homes, visitors had a unique experience with a sensory simulation course, to discover what it feels like to be ill. The “Hands on Dementia” course simulated the symptoms of the disease (loss of spacial awareness, decline in fine motor skills, etc.) through thirteen everyday situations, from getting dressed to having dinner.
It was a way for participants to experience their own limitations and feel the discomfort and disability experienced by people with dementia, to help them better understand the disease and, ultimately, change the way they look at people with dementia.


The Uilenspiegel nursing and care home organised the «Together around the table» (“Samen aan tafel”) event, during which a room was filled with antique items. Residents and their families were welcome to take inspiration from the exhibits, remember and share their memories, with the teams asking questions to encourage conversations. Reminiscing, which draws on the patient’s past memories, improves the well-being of both the patient and their loved ones.

The Korian Uilenspiegel teams also made and sold cupcakes, the proceeds of which were donated to Alzheimer’s disease research.

The Korian Berkenhof nursing and care home addressed the issue of Alzheimer’s disease with a range of activities. Residents were given crosswords, word games and other puzzles to boost their memory in a fun way. An Alzheimer Café will follow on 17 October, organised in partnership with the municipality of Heers and the Alzheimer’s League.


In the Group’s facilities in the Netherlands, people with Alzheimer’s disease can benefit from psychobiographical care, based on the methodology of Professor Erwin Böhm. This methodology focuses on meaning, maintaining skills, self-esteem and autonomy, and is concerned with the resident’s past and emotional life. It is used to determine a personalised care plan and activities tailored to each individual.

For World Alzheimer’s Day, the teams at Stepping Stones, residences specialising in care for people suffering with Alzheimer’s disease or related diseases, highlighted this support, which takes into account the unique characteristics of each individual.


Seniors Residencias has partnered with the Check your mental health campaign, created by Accexible, to detect cognitive disorders at an early stage through speech analysis.

Early detection of the disease is essential in order to receive appropriate treatment and improve the quality of life of people affected. Various spots have been set up in residences and/or on the street, so that anyone who wishes can come and have a screening test.

The residences carried out various activities to give visibility to this day including:

Seniors Torrequebrada

  • a conference on the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and the importance of a healthy lifestyle

Seniors Viña del Rey

  • an outdoor stand to provide information about the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease;
  • the participation of the facility’s psychologist in a round table discussion after the screening of the documentary “Sigo siendo yo”

Seniors Can Picafort

  • animal-assisted therapy sessions to which residents’ families were invited;

Seniors El Parque

  • the creation of a mural depicting residents’ memories and happy moments;

Torre del Mar Seniors

  • a debate on the disease with the residents led by the facility’s psychologist;
  • a video with testimonies from patients, carers, as well as caregivers;
  • the “Who’s Who” game with former characters.


The project “Stop Alzheimer’s Disease” («Fermata Alzheimer’s”) was back for its 5th edition with this year’s slogan «Let’s meet: Let’s face Alzheimer’s together» («Incontriamoci: l’Alzheimer si affronta insieme»).

During open days, members of the public were able to meet disease specialists, find advice and participate in workshops (on non-drug therapies, for example). A sensory journey, «Alzheimer in Lab», was available, allowing visitors to put themselves in the shoes of someone with the disease.

“Alzheimer in Lab” provides an immersive insight into the symptoms and progression of the disease, while providing advice and tips to family carers on how to better organise the home and daily life with a person who is ill.

Discover online this sensory journey at https://spaziosalute.korian.it/.

Finally, during the Alzheimer’s Open Championship, residents of the San Giuseppe and Sacra Famiglia homes were able to play golf on a course designed for the event.


At Berkley Care, our commitment to the Alzheimer’s cause goes beyond words. Medical and care teams play a key role in the lives of our residents, providing support, understanding and assistance in daily activities. In addition, Berkley actively participates in charitable fundraisers throughout the year, such as the Alzheimer’s Society’s Windsor Memory Walk this month, where over £1,000 was raised!

Berkley Care also took action by organising Dementia Action Week, which included intergenerational get-togethers, a medieval banquet at Blenheim House and disease awareness sessions for local communities. Objective: to break down the stigma associated with the disease, so that society is more inclusive and respectful of people with cognitive disorders.

With an online conference and video clips on Alzheimer’s disease, Clariane is working to help families better understand Alzheimer’s disease and how to support their loved ones, both at home and in a nursing home.
Discover the Group’s Alzheimer’s programme

Discover the Group’s Alzheimer’s programme