15 June 2023 – 15 June 2024: one year committed as a purpose-driven company

Clariane Group

15 June 2024 is not just any date for Clariane. This date marks one year since we adopted the status of being a purpose-driven company. It’s a choice that provides structure and meaning, and forms the basis of our strategy.

We have come a long way since 2003, driven by the collective energy of our community, committed to serving the most vulnerable and the elderly. 60,000 employees, who provided support to almost 900,000 patients and residents in either one of our facilities or at home in 2023.

Today and tomorrow, the Clariane community remains committed to a shared mission: “Take care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerability”.

A look back at twelve key events that illustrate our commitments during this first year

Founded in France more than 20 years ago, and a purpose-driven company since 2023, Clariane is present in more than 800 living areas in 6 countries, bringing together a community of 60,000 committed employees guided by a unifying corporate project: At your side.

July 2023: launch of Clariane University in France, an ambitious training programme dedicated to developing the skills of our employees, and the first initiative to put into practice the transformation of Clariane into a purpose-driven company. Our objective: to offer at least 7,000 courses leading to qualifications every year in the main professional sectors.

October 2023: adoption of the European Social Dialogue Charter, reinforcing Clariane’s commitment to constructive and transparent dialogue with its stakeholders.

October 2023: creation of a solidarity fund to support our employees facing personal difficulties, illustrating Clariane’s social commitment and the symmetry of attention to which we are deeply attached.

December 2023: graduation ceremony in honour of the first Clariane University graduates, in recognition of their investment in their professional development; among them, several employees who completed the “Passerelles” programme (retraining of employees mid-career), launched in 2021 by the French government. Clariane thus reiterates the importance of training.

January 2024: publication of a study by the Clariane Foundation which reveals the attractiveness of the health and care professions to young Europeans.

January 2024: Clariane certified Top Employer Europe, a first for a group in the healthcare and medical-social sector, recognising the maturity of our HR strategy at European level, as well as the commitment of our operational teams to implementing it on the field.

February 2024: launch of Ways (We are at your side), the new European training programme dedicated to providing facility managers with personalised support for their career paths.

Mars 2024: partnership with the Gault&Millau French restaurant guide to highlight the culinary excellence of the sites in our Group’s networks and promote healthy and sustainable food.

April 2024: signing of a partnership with the University Hospital Institute (IHU) of Toulouse, strengthening the collaboration between Clariane and cutting-edge medical research.

April 2024: for the second year running, the Asterès study confirms Clariane’s role in France as a major local operator, contributing to the economic and social development of the regions where our community operates, with 46,100 direct, indirect and induced jobs in France in 2023.

April 2024: launch of “Le Fil Clariane”, a listening and advice helpline for people in vulnerable situations and their family carers. “Le Fil Clariane, rolled out in France, provides a sympathetic ear and personalised support to people dealing with vulnerability, through a multidisciplinary approach.

April 2024: organisation of the Clariane Innovation Days and a scientific day in partnership with Université Paris Cité, highlighting Clariane’s commitment to healthcare innovation and research.

Being a purpose-driven company means confirming our social and environmental commitment, in concrete terms and on a daily basis. One year after adopting our company status, and making commitments of consideration, fairness, sustainability, locality and innovation to all our stakeholders, we have illustrated each of them with concrete initiatives to give full meaning to our raison d’être: “Take care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerability”.

Sophie Boissard Chief Executive Officer of the Clariane Group