The General Meeting of 15 June approved a number of changes to the articles of association

Clariane Group


The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Korian, now Clariane, was held on 15 June 2023. It was chaired by Jean-Pierre Duprieu, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and was attended by Sophie Boissard, Group Chief Executive Officer, Philippe Garin, Group Chief Financial Officer, Amandine Daviet, Group General Secretary, the members of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors.

Adoption of a new corporate purpose and conversion into a purpose-driven company

The General Meeting approved the adoption of a new corporate purpose for the Group: “To take care of each person’s humanity in times of vulnerability”. This corporate purpose is the product of extensive consultation with all our employees and stakeholders and is inspired by the Group’s three core values: trust, responsibility and initiative.

The General Meeting approved the conversion to a purpose-driven company, within the meaning of Article L 210-10 of the French Commercial Code. This status as a purpose-driven company is manifested by five commitments to residents, patients and their family carers, as well as to employees and local communities, focused on the themes of consideration, equity, innovation, proximity and sustainability.

The Group will launch ten initial concrete initiatives based on these commitments (see appendices), including the launch of Clariane University on 4 July 2023. Each year, this new corporate university will provide at least 6,500 employees with the opportunity to take qualifying training courses, ranging from vocational certificates to university degrees, in the Group’s main professional fields (care and health, catering and hospitality, management, human resources and finance).

The General Meeting approved the creation of a mission committee, made up of representatives of patients and residents, employees and qualified personalities. Its role will be to monitor the implementation of the initiatives undertaken, with the support of an independent third-party organisation. It will serve as a forum providing all stakeholders in the governance process with the opportunity to be heard over the long term, and will present a report each year at future annual general meetings, which will be made public.

The Board of Directors then appointed the committee members on the recommendation of the CEO. Dr Françoise Weber, current chairwoman of Korian France’s stakeholders committee and a public health doctor, former Director General of the French Institute for Public Health Monitoring (InVS) and former President of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), will chair this mission committee. The committee is also made up of Moira Allan, PhD, Dr Stefan Arend, Jean-Marie Bockel, Etienne Caniard, Pr Francesco Longo, Sofie Marckx, Antoine Maspétiol, Catia Piantoni, Pierre-Yves Pouliquen, Jérôme Vandekerkhove, Dr Jacques van der Hors, and the employee representative appointed by the European Company Works Council.

Clariane, the new name of the European company that heads the Group

To mark the adoption of these commitments common to all of the Group’s activities and entities, the General Meeting approved changing the corporate name of the European company that heads the Group, giving it the distinct name Clariane.

The Clariane Group will retain the various expert brands under which it already operates:

  • for long-term care nursing homes: Korian, Seniors Residencias, Berkley...
  • for healthcare facilities and services: Inicea, Ita, Grupo 5, Lebenswert…
  • for alternative living solutions: Petits-fils, Ages & Vie…


The terms of office as directors of Sophie Boissard, Philippe Dumont, Guillaume Bouhours and Dr Markus Müschenich were renewed at the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholder participation at the General Meeting and summary of decisions

At the General Meeting, 65 583 873 shares with voting rights and the same number of exercisable voting rights were represented out of a total of 106 185 131 shares with voting rights, representing 61,76% of the shares with voting rights.

The General Meeting adopted a total of 32 resolutions out of 32 put to a vote. Full voting results will be available on the website. The General Meeting will be available as an on-demand webcast in the Investors section of the website

Sophie Boissard, Chief Executive Officer of Clariane, stated: “Despite the ordeals and headwinds our sector has faced over the past three years, with the support of all our stakeholders, we have continued the fundamental work to improve the quality of care and treatment in our various networks. We have made progress on all indicators of our ESG roadmap and have already achieved most of the targets we set for ourselves for 2023. We are particularly pleased to be taking this next step in our commitment to serving our patients and residents, by adopting the status of a purpose-driven company with a new corporate project, “At Your Side”.

Press contacts

  • Matthieu Desplats

    Head of Press Relations

  • Florian Bachelet

    Press Relations Manager

  • Julie Mary

    Responsible for Press Relations