Inclusive governance

Establish and strengthen our governance by including representatives of our key stakeholders in each facility and at national level, to harness collective intelligence and ensure that all our communities are fully involved in the decisions we take and the actions we carry out.

The involvement of stakeholders (patients and residents, relatives, employees, community representatives, etc.) in the company’s governance is a fundamental and distinctive component of the purpose-led company. 

This is organised at three levels: 

  • Within each facility, bodies are set up with representatives of residents or patients and with their relatives, in order to involve them in the life and operation of the facility. They allow them to be informed, participate, and express themselves with regard to the projects and life of the structure. In some of the countries where the Group operates, these bodies – which in France are called Conseils de vie sociale (CVSs, social life councils) for care homes and Commissions des usagers (CDUs, user committees) for healthcare facilities – are mandatory. In 2022, 94% of Clariane facilities in Europe had such bodies, compared with 89% in 2021.
  • At national level, the Stakeholder Council’s mission is to inform Clariane about challenges related to the company’s activity and the societal issues of ageing and vulnerability. The Group has set the goal of establishing a Stakeholder Council in all the countries where it operates by 2023. As of the end of 2022, such a body had been set up in France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. 
  • At Group level, the creation of a Mission Committee will be proposed at the 2023 General Meeting, in connection with the adoption of the status of a purpose-led company. The proposed committee will have 13 members divided into three colleges; these members will include Clariane employees, stakeholders (including the families of patients and residents) from each country, and qualified personalities. It will be chaired by Françoise Weber, former Deputy Director General of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES). 

Next steps

  • Perpetuate the integration of these bodies into the company’s governance by specifying their role and operating rules and by providing their members with the tools and training necessary to accomplish their mission.